C.G.U – Coco Woman





Access to COCO-WOMAN Services is possible subject to compliance by the User with the General Conditions of Use indicated below. If the User does not accept these General Conditions of Use, he will not be able to access or use the Services.



1.1 The COCO-WOMAN Service is published by BLEKKER Enterprise.

BLEKKER Enterprise is registered under SIRET No. 884 976 648 000 11 and has its registered office at 14 Avenue de l'Opéra, 75001 Paris, FRANCE.

BLEKKER Enterprise is the publisher of Content, Products and Services available on the COCO-WOMAN Website https://www.coco-woman.com/ and is responsible for the processing of personal data of a personal nature.

The Service is distributed under the responsibility of the Director of the Publication, Mr Charles DEGRES, also manager of the company BLEKKER Enterprise.

For more legal information or information concerning the publisher of this Site, please consult the Legal Notice.

1.2 The User and the Registered User are Internet users, natural persons, who for their personal or professional needs use the Site or one of the services offered on the Site, through the Internet browser of a computer, a tablet or a telephone, regardless of their location and the means of connection to the Site.

The User and the registered User declare that they have the capacity and the necessary authorisations to consult the information and use the Services offered by the Site https://www.coco-woman.com/.



These definitions shall be used in all contractual documents defined in Article 5 :

"General Terms and Conditions of Use" or "GTCU": refers to these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

"Content": refers to all data, publications and information accessible on the Site, in particular the general structure, texts, figures, graphics and tables, images, photographs, videos, sounds, hypertext links, distinctive signs, brands and logos etc., of which the Site is composed.

"Publisher": refers to the legal entity responsible for the editorial content of the Site https://www.coco-woman.com/. The Site Publisher is also responsible for processing within the meaning of Article 4 of the General Regulations on Data Protection.

"Company": means BLEKKER ENTERPRISE, or the Website Editor.

" Product(s) " : shall designate the product(s) offered for sale on the COCO-WOMAN website.

"Service(s)": all online services provided by the Publisher and/or its Partners and which Users and Registered Users can access from the Site: online purchase of products, newsletter, etc...

" Site ": refers to the website operated by the Publisher accessible at the URL https://www.coco-woman.com/, whatever the section concerned.

"User": refers to any Internet user, having access to the Website on which he can consult the pages of the Website and if he wishes to use the open Services of the Website.

"Registered User": refers to any User connecting to the COCO-WOMAN Site, having created an account on the Site and using the services offered by the Publisher.



The purpose of the General Conditions of Use is to define the terms and conditions of availability of the Site's Services and the conditions of use of the Services by the User and/or the Registered User.

This Site is an online sales platform that offers everyday Products for sale.



By accessing and using the Services, the User and/or Registered User agree to be bound by these General Conditions of Use which establish a contractual relationship between him/her and the Company.

Any access and/or use of the Site implies the unconditional acceptance and respect of all the terms of the General Conditions of Use. This acceptance is equivalent to a contract between the Publisher and the User and/or Registered User.

In the event that the User and/or the Registered User, do not wish to accept all or part of the General Conditions of Use, they are asked to renounce all use of the Service.

In the event of non-compliance with the terms of the General Terms of Use, the Publisher reserves the right to take any measure likely to protect its interests.



5.1 Scope

Legal notice: this is a declarative legal document taken in application of article 6 of the Digital Economy Law.

General Conditions of Use: are the contractual basis existing between the User and/or the Registered User on the one hand, and the Publisher on the other hand. 

5.2 In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of the contractual documents referred to in Article 5.1, the following contractual hierarchy shall apply:

  • Legal Notice ;
  • UGC ;

5.3 Autonomy of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale

In case of subscription to a paid service, General Terms and Conditions of Sale are specifically applicable to the purchase of the User or the Registered User, from the Service Editor. The General Terms and Conditions of Sale have an autonomous contractual value.



The Service is accessible free of charge to any User with internet access via a browser of his or her choice.

All costs relating to access to the Service, whether hardware, software or internet access costs, are the sole responsibility of the User. He is solely responsible for the proper functioning of his computer equipment and his access to the Internet.

Part of the Site is reserved for Registered Users. To do so, they must complete the registration form, including the provision of personal data of a personal nature, and choose a password.

The Registered User declares that the data provided by him/her is true, complete and accurate. He chooses a password which remains under his responsibility. In case of loss or violation of the Registered User's access through negligence on his part, the Publisher will not be held responsible.



The User can access the following features on the Site:

  • Search in the search bar ;
  • Buy products ;
  • Create a customer account ;
  • Leave and view comments and opinions ;
  • Consult the F.A.Q ;
  • Send an e-mail message via the "CONTACT" section;
  • Subscribe or Receive Newsletters from the Site.



The General Conditions of Use may be modified at any time by the Publisher, in particular in order to comply with any regulatory, jurisprudential, editorial and/or technical changes. Users and Registered Users must therefore keep themselves informed by regularly consulting this contract from the Site.

Users and Registered Users are free not to access the Services if they do not agree with the modified Terms and Conditions of Use.

Any modification will take effect immediately and will only apply to Users and Registered Users using the Services after such modification.


  1. Guarantees

The Publisher uses all the means at its disposal to make the Site available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, independently of scheduled maintenance operations, subject to the provisions of this article.

Access to the Site and the Services is provided on an "as is" basis and is available on an "as available" basis.

  1. Limitation of liability

The Publisher undertakes to implement all means to ensure the operation of the Site in the best conditions.

The Publisher may not be held liable for delays in the performance of a service for reasons beyond its control, beyond its control, unforeseeable and irresistible within the meaning of Article 1218 of the Civil Code or for which it cannot be held responsible.



In addition to the legal provisions recognising the probative value of electronic writing, the User and the Registered User acknowledge the validity and probative value of e-mails, SMS messages and all electronic records kept by the Publisher or one of its service providers.



11.1 General information

The Publisher is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights relating to the Content of the Site.

The General Conditions of Use do not entail the transfer of any intellectual property rights to the User and/or the Registered User.

The User and the Registered User undertake not to use the Content in such a way as to infringe the Publisher's rights and that such use does not constitute an act of counterfeiting or unfair or parasitic competition.

The User and the Registered User undertake not to reproduce the Content posted online.

11.2 Trademark ownership

The trademarks that may appear on the Site are registered trademarks. Consequently, the User and the Registered User are not authorized to reproduce, represent, modify or adapt, partially or totally, for a fee or free of charge, the trademarks present on the Site, without the prior written consent of the Publisher.

11.3 Ownership of photographs, drawings, sketches, texts and graphics

Photographs, drawings, sketches, and any other content that may be protected by intellectual property law are the exclusive property of the Publisher. Any reproduction, representation or adaptation is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Publisher.

Any unauthorized reproduction of the Contents, trademarks, logos, photographs and distinctive signs constitutes an infringement punishable by law. The offender is liable to civil and penal sanctions, and in particular, to the penalties provided for in the Intellectual Property Code.



12.1 Responsibility of the User and the Registered User

The User and the Registered User declare that they have the capacity and the necessary authorizations to consult the information and use the Services offered by the COCO-WOMAN Site.

The User and the Registered User remain responsible for what they say, particularly in the context of exchanges of comments and opinions. They agree not to make comments contrary to the Law, morality, courtesy. They are informed that a posteriori moderation may be put in place, and their responsibility may be engaged in case of violation of this clause.

12.2 Moderation

The Publisher modulates a posteriori, and not systematically, all comments on the Site. Moderation consists of the deletion of all or part of a message considered to be contrary to these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Any User and/or any Registered User who is aware of illegal content or content contrary to public order or morality must inform the Publisher by e-mail.

The Editor is authorized to remove from the Site, on his own initiative or following a report, any contribution, totally or partially, in particular for the purpose of respecting third parties, the General Conditions of Use and the proper functioning of the Site.

In particular, the following are subject to moderation:

  • Any advertising or promotional links to external sites are not allowed. Any advertising or promotion contained in a contribution is prohibited.
  • Contributions of a racist, xenophobic, revisionist or negationist nature;
  • Insulting, defamatory or discriminatory remarks directed at a person or group of persons because of their origin, membership or non-membership, real or supposed, of an ethnic group, nation or religion;
  • Because of gender, sexual orientation or disability;
  • Insulting, defamatory, discriminatory, infringing on privacy, image rights, or the reputation and rights of others. And more generally, any violation of intellectual property rights (in particular music, video, animations, games, software, databases, images, sounds and texts), any other property right belonging to a third party or any trade secret belonging to one of these third parties;
  • Words that offend human dignity;
  • Provocation to violence, suicide, terrorism and the use, manufacture or distribution of illegal or illicit substances ;
  • Provocation, apology or incitement to commit crimes or offences and more particularly crimes against humanity ;
  • The false news.

This list may not describe all possible side effects.

The Publisher reserves the right not to publish certain contributions, to publish them with a certain delay or to delete them. The Publisher does not have to justify this decision.



The Publisher is responsible for the processing of personal data of a personal nature implemented for the proper functioning of the Site.

The Publisher undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (known as RGPD) of 27 April 2016 and Law No. 2018-493 of 20 June 2018 on the protection of personal data.

Furthermore, the Publisher reserves the right to transmit personal data concerning a User and/or a Registered User in order to comply with a legal obligation, upon request of police, administrative or judicial authorities and for the application of a court decision or a decision issued by an administrative authority.



The Site may contain hypertext links leading to other Internet sites, over which the Publisher has no control.

Hypertext links are checked before they are placed on the Site. However, the Publisher declines all responsibility for the contents of these sites, and for any updates that may be made to them.



The present General Conditions of Use are concluded for a fixed period of time, starting from the beginning of navigation on the COCO-WOMAN Site by the User and/or the Registered User, and which end at the end of the closure of the navigation session by the User and/or the Registered User.




The waiver of any breach of the General Terms and Conditions of Use shall not be deemed a waiver of any other subsequent breach, whether identical or different.

If any of the clauses of the present General Terms of Use were to be declared null and void by application of a law, a regulation, or following a court decision that has become final, it would be deemed to be unwritten; and the other clauses would retain their force and scope.



The General Conditions of Use are subject to French law and French jurisdiction.

Any dispute that may arise between the Publisher and Users and/or Registered Users as a result of the use of the Site will be subject to an attempt to resolve it amicably. Failing this, disputes will be brought before the competent French courts.


UPDATE : 03/04/2020